Fun with Sequences
Fun with Sequences
Generate and explore sequences like abundant and super abundant numbers. This activity uses the Encyclopedia of Integer Sequencesand R-Instat to delve into the world of sequences. Searching out patterns and questioning finding to gain a better understanding of them.
Watch the video to see how it is done.
Video script prepared by Rachel Kirk-Gushowaty, and Roger Stern. Video constructed and voiced by Beryl Waswa.
- 0:00 Introduction to R-Instat
- 0:05 Introduction to Sequences
- 0:11 Abundant Numbers
- 3:30 Weird Numbers
- 4:05 Calculate Relative Abundances
- 6:10 Superabundant Numbers
- 6:51 Graphs
- 7:23 Next Steps
(8 minutes)
Then use R-Instat to replicate the activities from the video or do your own explorations.